Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Planning
Photo of Eric Kuo Ph.D.

Eric Kuo Ph.D.

Assistant Professor – Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology

Department: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Phone: 318.257.5455

Email: ekuo@latech.edu

Office: Woodard Hall 116A

My research interests center around the applications of data science (DS) and Machine
learning (ML) to I/O Psychology. Specifically, this follows two streams of research:

1. Applying DS and ML to augment/improve existing processes, methods, and analyses
both in academia and the field.
2. Modernizing approaches to criterion development with an emphasis on predictive

As an instructor, I aim to increase the fluency of future I/O Psychologists in coding (e.g., R,
Python, SQL) and evaluating machine learning models. I currently teach courses in
advanced analytics and psychometrics to students in the I/O Psychology PhD program.